Friday, October 18, 2013

APUSH Unit 3 Essays

Unit 3 Essay

Answer the following. Due by day you come back from Fall break. Email if you need help.

Describe the course of events from Neutrality to the War of 1812. Discuss presidents and political parties, laws, and actions by both sides. This is an open ended question. There are plenty of things to talk about here. At least discuss examples of 1. presidents and political parties, 2. laws, and 3. actions by both sides. worth 3 points for each of those examples. 1 point is free :) (10 points)

Compare and contrast the political policies of Hamilton and Jefferson. Relate those to the parties each man founded. How did EACH party/person impact the formation of the American government? Give one example of how they put party last in making a decision.

Compare and Contrast worth 5 points. This does not say to list characteristics; compare and contrast.

Their impact is worth another 5 points. Must have impacts of each.

Example of ignoring party is worth 2 points (12 points)

Discuss the election of 1800.(1 point for making it well written) Who ran for office? (2 points) What role did Hamilton play? (1 point) Why was it a revolution? (2 points) What amendment was a result of the election? (1 point) Describe how the constitution was in 'full use' in this election.(2 points) How did this election affect the future of the federalist party? (1 point) (10 points)

Discuss the three points of the American System. What was each point? Explain each point. How did it affect the United States? How did this 'system' exhibit Federalist policies?

Name 3 parts (3 points)

Explain each part (3 points)

How did it affect the US (3 points)

How did it exhibit federalist policies? (2 points)

Must be written in paragraphs

(12 points)

Discuss the Election of 1824. Who ran for office? (2 points) Who won the popular vote? (1 point) Who won the electoral vote? (1 point) What role did the House of Representatives play? (2 points) Why did Jackson call it a Corrupt Bargain? (2 points)

What did this mean for the future of elections and the 'common man'? (2 points) (10 points)