Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Study Guide Neoclassical

You need to know the following for your test Monday
1. Characteristics of the Neoclassical Period
2. Define: Symphony, Opera, Enlightenment, classical orchestra
3. Five Characteristics of Classical music
4. Age Mozart began composing
5. A symphony and opera by Mozart
6. Father of the Symphony
7. Name a few works by Haydn
8. Person who bridged the gap between Classical and Romantic music
9. What did Jaques Louis David paint about?
10. Name 3 paintings by David
11. How was Thomas Jefferson a writer of the Enlightenment?
12. Describe Jefferson's architecture and name 2 buildings

Monday, March 25, 2013

Neoclassical Comparison

Characteristics of the Classical/Neoclassical
1. Restraint
2. Order
3. Reason
4. structural clarity

Find a Painting from ancient Greece or Rome and compare to a painting from the Neoclassical

Find a sculpture from ancient Greece or Rome and compare to a sculpture from the Neoclassical

Find a building from ancient Greece or Rome and compare to a building from the Neoclassical

Using same Neoclassical paintings as above contrast to a Baroque work of painting, architecture, and sculpture.

How does Classical music fit the characteristics of the Neoclassical period?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Cold War beginnings study guide

Why was it cold? How did brinkmanship almost make it hot?

What role did German occupation play?

Explain the failure of Potsdam and its effect on the Cold War

What were a few reasons Stalin did not trust Britain and the U.S.?

What was the effect if nuclear weapons?

What is a satellite state? Name a few of the USSR.

What is NATO? Name involved countries.

What was the Warsaw Pact? Name countries involved.

What is the U.N? Security council? Who are 5 permanent members.

What was the Iron Curtain? Who coined the term?

What was the Berlin Airlift? Why was it needed?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Communist China

Page 485. Answer 1-4

Classical Music day 2

Find 3 interesting facts about Mozart
Who wrote the "London Symphonies"?
Name two operas Mozart wrote

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cold War

United Nations formationUN preamble
Warsaw Pact doc
Iron Curtain
Berlin Airlift
Berlin Wall
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan (how much money given?)
U-2 incident
Outline chart page 476



Classical Music

Baroque to classical
  • Classical is longer with more
  • instrumentsClassical is homophonic vs polyphonic
  • Smooth change in dynamics
  • Various moods
  • Flexible rhythm
  • Memorable melody
Baroque example

Long work, 4 parts
1. Fast
2. Slow and lyrical
3. Dance-like
4. Fast

Haydn "Father of the symphony"
94th 1st mov

94th 2nd mov

94th 3rd mov

94th 4th mov

Child Prodigy, died young
Typical classical symphony
Mozart 40th 1st mov

Mozart 40th 2nd mov

Mozart 40th 3rd mov

Mozart 40th 4th mov

Mozart 40th

Monday, March 18, 2013

Post World War 2

Page 462
1. What were the Nuremberg trials?
2. How did the allies divide Germany?
3. Of the 1.2 million people in Warsaw 1939 how many were left in 1945?
4. How many Japanese died?
5. What is demilitarization?
6. Who was Douglas MacArthur?
7. How did he Set up the new Japanese government?
8. Answer #1 and #2 on top of page 465

Page 475
9. What is the United Nations?
10. How many originally joined?
11. What was the pledge?
12. What is the security council?
13. How many permanent members?
14. What special powers did the permanent members have?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Middle Ages-WW2 Review World Civ

ONE PAPER PER PAIR. DIVIDE THIS UP. For each topic below: what is it? Why is it important?

Hundred Years War
Black Death
Norman Invasion of England
Exploration of America
Spice Trade and Silk road
Protestant Reformation
Catholic Reformation
Counter Reformation
English Reformation
English Civil War
Glorious Revolution
Scientific Revolution
War of Austrian succession
War Spanish succession
7 years war
American Revolution
19th century Imperialism
Industrial Revolution
Age of Revolution
Causes of WW1
WW1 and treaty of Versailles
Rise of Dictatorships in the 1920's
Russian Revolution
World War 2

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

World War 2 Study Guide

Name the Axis
Name the Allies
Leaders of: Italy Germany France USA Japan and Britain
Appeasement of Germany: Chamberlin, Rhineland and Czechoslovakia
Invasion of Poland 1939
How did Hitler violate Treaty of Versailles?
What is fascism? Where in Europe?
What is blitzkrieg? And were used?
Explain invasion of France
Battle of Britain
Operation Barbarossa
North African war
Atlantic Charter
Lend/lease other forms of aide
Pearl Harbor
El Alamein
D Day
Yalta goals
Potsdam accomplishments and failures
Dropping of atomic bomb