Wednesday, September 25, 2013

APUSH Study guide Unit 3

1.    What was the Hartford Convention?

2.    Name three effects of the War of 1812

3.    What was the "Era of Good Feelings"?

4.    What 3 components made up Henry Clay's American System?

5.    What were important effects of the Marshal Court?

6.    Name 3 cases and their effects

7.    What was the Missouri Compromise?

8.    What is the Monroe Doctrine?

9.    What was the "Corrupt Bargain"

10. Treaty of Ghent

11. Washington's Farewell Address

12. XYZ Affair

13. Quasi-War with France

14. Alien and Sedition Acts

15. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

16. Marbury vs. Madison

17. Barbary Wars

18. Embargo Acts 1807

19. Non-Intercourse Acts 1809

20. Macon's Bill (no 2) 1810

21. Tippecanoe

22. War Hawks

23. Explain Hamilton's economic program

24. How does the new nation's debt get taken care of?

25. What was the excise tax?

26. What was the Whiskey rebellion and how was it dealt with?

27. Describe the early issues with Native Americans

28. What was Washington's stance on European issues?

29. Jay's Treaty

30. Pickney's Treaty

31. 12th Amendment

32. Compare and contrast Hamilton and Jefferson (Federalists and Democratic Republicans)


Monday, September 23, 2013

APUSH Monday 9/23

I can describe the Era of Good Feelings and the American system

Bell Work: What was the Treaty of Ghent?

Pre-Lecture Questions
  1. What was the Hartford Convention?
  2. Name three effects of the War of 1812
  3. What was the "Era of Good Feelings"?
  4. What 3 components made up Henry Clay's American System?
  5. What were important effects of the Marshal Court?
  6. Name 3 cases and their effects
  7. What was the Missouri Compromise?
  8. What is the Monroe Doctrine?
  9. What was the "Corrupt Bargain"

AP World Monday 9/23

I can describe medieval Europe

Bell Work: Finish Essay-Due in 5 minutes

Pre-Lecture Questions
  1. What was the Carolingian Empire?
  2. What happened at the battle of Tours?
  3. Who was Pepin?
  4. Name a few thing Charlemagne did
  5. Who were the Vikings? Where all did they go? Name a few positive things they did
  6. Who were the Normans?
  7. What was the Norman Conquest?

Friday, September 20, 2013

Dark Ages

Write an essay with sentences and paragraphs discussing the following about the DARK AGES


1.      Why is it called that?


2.      Describe chaos after fall of Rome. Be specific


3.      Discuss the accomplishments of 2-3 people


4.      What role did the plague play?


5.      Describe the power of the Church


6.      According to the video what brought Europe out of the Dark Ages?




Thursday, September 19, 2013

US History Study Guide Unit 3

I can explain the early republic and problems the US faced

Define/Identify/Explain the following
  1. Monroe Doctrine
  2. List first 7 presidents and years in office
  3. How important was it to be a Secretary of State in the early republic
  4. Explain two cases from this unit when the Speaker of the House did something REAL important
  5. Explain the differences between Federalists and Democratic Republicans
  6. Name some people from each party listed above
  7. Explain the Election (Revolution) of 1800 and its significance
  8. What was the role of the US in the wars between France and Britain under the first 3 presidents?
  9. Louisiana Purchase (Power to buy, cost, President, significance)
  10. Alien and Sedition Acts
  11. Embargo Act
  12. Non-Intercourse Act
  13. Marbury vs. Madison case
  14. Barbary Pirates
  15. XYZ Affair
  16. Impressment
  17. Jay's Treaty
  18. Pickney's Treaty
  19. Corrupt Bargain
  20. Election of 1824
  21. Election of 1828
  22. Change in Voting
  23. 12th Amendment
  24. Battle of New Orleans

World Civ Columbus Essay

Using the video America Before Columbus answer the following in an essay with sentences and paragraphs.

1. Describe the landscape and wildlife in America before European arrival.
2. Describe how Europe benifited from your answer in number 1.
3. How was the natural world and landscape in Europe changing, encouraging European exploration?
4. Pick 3 items "exchanged" by the Europeans with the Natives in America.
5. Describe the importance of Corn
6. How did European civilization hurt the natives civilizations? 2 ways
7. How did European civilization hurt the landscape and nature? 2 ways

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

APUSH First three Pres

Pre Lecture terms: Chapter 9 Baron's

  1. Washington's Farewell Address
  2. XYZ Affair
  3. Quasi-War with France
  4. Alien and Sedition Acts
  5. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
  6. Marbury vs. Madison
  7. Barbary Wars
  8. Embargo Acts 1807
  9. Non-Intercourse Acts 1809
  10. Macon's Bill (no 2) 1810
  11. Tippecanoe
  12. War Hawks

AP World History Islam

I can describe the rise of Islam and its effect on the collapsed empire. 

BW What do you know about Islam?

5 pillars

Monday, September 16, 2013

APUSH Monday

I can explain the troubles and solutions to those troubles in the early republic

Bell Work: The 9th and 10th Amendments do not get much press.  What do they say?

Class Work:
  1. Explain Hamilton's economic program
  2. How does the new nation's debt get taken care of?
  3. What was the excise tax?
  4. What was the Whiskey rebellion and how was it dealt with?
  5. Describe the early issues with Native Americans
  6. What was Washington's stance on European issues?
  7. Jay's Treaty
  8. Pickney's Treaty

AP World Tuesday

I can explain the effect of the fall of Rome

  1. Manor
  2. Feudalism
  3. Knights
  4. Serfs
  5. Roman Catholisism
  6. Eastern Orthadox
  7. Papal States
  8. Excommunication

AP World History Monday

I can explain the effect of Rome's collapse

Bell Work: Look up Zoroastrianism, Diaspora, Silk Road

Major religions
  • Hunduism
  • Buddhism
  • Judaism
  • Christianity
  1. Main belief
  2. Goal of religion
  3. God(s)
  4. Location and how far it spread

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

APUSH Constitution information

I can explain the process leading to the ratification of the Constitution

Bell work: Look up the following

  1. separation of powers
  2. Virginia Plan
  3. New Jersey Plan
  4. Great compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
  5. Three-Fifths compromise
  6. Federalist
  7. Anti-Federalist
  8. Bill of Rights
  9. Federalist Papers 
  10. Northwest Ordinance 1787
  11. Judiciary Act of 1789
Lecture Discussing above

Bill of Rights
Paraphrase each. Why was it needed? Relate to British rule

Lecture discussing above

APUSH Constitution Quiz

I can explain the constitution and how it established out government. 

Bell Work: what was Shay's Rebellion? 
1. Who has the power to tax? Be specific, article, section
2. Who has the power to declare war?
3. What is the impeachment process?
4. Explain how a bill becomes a law
5. How was president and Vice President determined?
6. Who confirms presidential appointments?
7. What specifically is the role of the Supreme Court? Section, article
8. Explain checks and balances USING the constitution 
9. How are amendments made?
10. Terms of office for President, senator, representative, and federal judge. 
11. Who originally elected senators?
12. How is the president elected?
13. Explain the supremacy cause in Article VI. 
14. Essay. Compare and contrast the Articles of Confederation and Constitution. Make sure to discuss AT LEAST 4 points. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

AP World Study Guide Unit 2

I can demonstrate my knowledge of the 'Classical" Civilizations

Chichen itza

Mauryan Empire in India
Rock and Pillar Edicts
Gupta Dynasty

Qin Dynast in China
Great Wall
Qin Shinhuangdi
Han Dynasty
Wu Ti

Polis, what was it and what groups were included?
Why colonies?
Archaic Period
Classical Period
Hellenistic Period
Athens and Sparta compare/contrast
Draco and Solon
Polytheism. Describe Greek gods' qualities and name some important ones
Persian Wars 499-449 BC
Delian League
Peloponnesian League
3 orders of columns
Name a few scientists
Peloponnesian War
Alexander the Great
Extent of empire

Rome 509 BC-476 AD
Republic dates
Imperial period Dates
extent of empire
Punic Wars
First Triumvirate
Second Triumvirate
Julius Caesar
Pax Romana
Name some Roman poets and scientists
Edict of Milan
Visigoths sack of Rome
Vandals Sack of Rome
Eastern Empire?

US History Unit 2

1. Lexington and Concord

2. Battle of Saratoga

3. Battle of Yorktown

4. Role of French

5. 2nd Continental Congress (role and duties)

6. Declaration of Independence and Jefferson. What reasons were given for independence?

7. Articles of Confederation (State vs National authority, taxes, war, laws, etc)

8. Constitution (State vs National authority, taxes, war, laws, etc) and James Madison

9. Treaty of Paris 1783 (what did the new US get?)

10. Federalist vs Anti Federalist (Deals with Constitution)

11. Bill of Rights. Why was it needed? Explain a few of them in relaation to British violations

12. Shay's rebellion

Monday, September 9, 2013

World Civ Roman Empire

Pax Romana

  • Started with Augustus
  • 200 years 
  • Rule of Law
  • Common Coinage
  • Civil Service
  • Secure travel for Merchants
  • Distinct groups retained certain customs (Jews)
  • Largest extent of empire under Trajan 
  • Cultural growth 
  • Science
  • technology
Religious Diversity
  • Paganism
  • Mithraism
  • First century AD
  • Constantine 306 claimed throne
  • 312 Battle of the Milvian Bridge 
  • 313 Edict of Milan
  • 325 Council of Nicaea 
  • 391 Official religion 
  • Eastern and Western under Diocletion around 280
  • Constantine moves capitol east to Constantinople 322
  • 2 (4) emperors
  • Rarely unified again 
Fall of Rome
  • Germanic Invasions (Huns, Franks, Goths, Vandals, etc)
  • Weak rulers
  • Size
  • Christianity
  • Corruption
  • Military issues
  • Famine/disease 

World Civ Renaissance study guide

Meaning of Renaissance
The Renaissance occurs after this time period
What was the goal of the Renaissance?
Name 3 events that 'led' to the renaissance and describe how they did
Name 3 advantages that Italy had for the Renaissance starting
Name the powerful Florentine family that 'funded' the Renaissance
What is humanism?
How did Renaissance scholars 'return' to the classical world?
What is a patron?
Decribe 'Renaissance Man' and give an example of one
What were the following people known for? Donatello, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael
Who was Machiavelli and what did he write?
List two problems of the medieval church
Describe the theology of Luther and Calvin
What were the 95 Theses a protest of?
What was the reaction to Luther from: Pope, Rulers, Peasants
What happened in the peasants revolt?
What book did Calvin write?
Define: Presbyterian, Predestination, elect
Why did Henry VIII start the Church of England (Anglican) ?
How would you describe the Church of England (Anglican)?
Describe the religious beliefs of Henry's 3 children
What happened with the Battle of the Spanish Armada?

AP World Rome notes

Republic 509 B.C.
  • Overthrew monarchy
  • 2 Consuls
  • Senate 
  • Assembly
  • some elections
Social Structure
  • Patricians
  • Plebeians
  • Slaves
  • 12 tables
  • pater familias
  • Carthage
  • Punic Wars 264-146 B.C.
  • Hannibal in 2nd Punic War 218-201 B.C.
  • Rome continued to gain land in Mediterranean 
Collapse of the Republic
  • Small farmers displaced by slaves
  • Roman currency devalued
  • Civil War
  • 1st Triumvirate (Pompey, Crassus, Julius Caesar)
  • Consul
  • As general conquered Gaul
  • Was recalled and refused to disband
  • Dictator for life
  • assassinated  
  • 2nd Triumvirate (Antony, Lepidus, Octavius)
  • Actium 31 B.C. Octavius defeated Antony and Cleopatra
  • Took name Augustus
  • Imperator 
  • Pax Romana 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

AP World Monday

Greek orders of art
Peloponessian  war
Alexander the Great
Widespread Greek influence