Monday, August 12, 2013

Some ID Terms for AP World History

BTW I would suggest buying Cracking the AP World History Exam on Kindle or paperback.  IF you get the Kindle or ebook version you can use your phone and save money.

Ancient History
  1. Nomad
  2. Foragers
  3. Pastoral 
  4. Paleolithic
  5. Neolithic period dates
  6. Bronze Age
  7. Importance of the river
  8. City-states
  9. When did civilizations become dominant? 
  10. Date for Ancient Sumer
  11. Date of unified Egypt (King Menes)
  12. Babylon and Hamurabi
  13. Hittites
  14. Assyrians
  15. Persian Empire
  16. Barter system
  17. Phoneicians
  18. Hebrews
  19. Pharaoh
  20. Forms of Egyptian and Sumarian writing