Sunday, August 11, 2013

Some ID terms for AP US History

These would be good to know.

ID List Colonization
  1. Columbian Exchange
  2. Conquistadors
  3. Armada
  4. Encomiendas
  5. Explorers from notes the other day (You already did that)

  1. Sir Walter Raleigh
  2. Lost Colony of Roanoke
  3. Armada 
  4. Jamestown
  5. Joint Stock Company
  6. Virginia Company
  7. “Starving time” Jamestown
  8. Powhatan Confederacy
  9. Tobacco’s impact
  10. Chesapeake
  11. Indentured servitude
  12. Headright system
  13. House of Burgesses  
Advise buying "Cracking the AP US History Exam 2013 in paperback or Kindle.  You can use your phone to show the kindle version.