Thursday, September 19, 2013

US History Study Guide Unit 3

I can explain the early republic and problems the US faced

Define/Identify/Explain the following
  1. Monroe Doctrine
  2. List first 7 presidents and years in office
  3. How important was it to be a Secretary of State in the early republic
  4. Explain two cases from this unit when the Speaker of the House did something REAL important
  5. Explain the differences between Federalists and Democratic Republicans
  6. Name some people from each party listed above
  7. Explain the Election (Revolution) of 1800 and its significance
  8. What was the role of the US in the wars between France and Britain under the first 3 presidents?
  9. Louisiana Purchase (Power to buy, cost, President, significance)
  10. Alien and Sedition Acts
  11. Embargo Act
  12. Non-Intercourse Act
  13. Marbury vs. Madison case
  14. Barbary Pirates
  15. XYZ Affair
  16. Impressment
  17. Jay's Treaty
  18. Pickney's Treaty
  19. Corrupt Bargain
  20. Election of 1824
  21. Election of 1828
  22. Change in Voting
  23. 12th Amendment
  24. Battle of New Orleans