Thursday, May 2, 2013

World Civ Final Unit

Identify the following by Wednesday May 8.

  1. Non-Aligned Nations and name some of them
  2. European Union and its members
  3. Detente'
  4. SALT treaties.  Name the various ones and who was involved
  5. Arms Race between the USSR and US.
  6. Space Race. Sputnik, Moon landing. 
  7. Mutually assured destruction
  8. Olympic boycot

  1. Gorbachev
  2. Ronald Reagan
  3. Glasnost
  4. Perestroika
  5. Fall of the Berlin Wall
  6. German Reunification
  7. Fall of the USSR
  8. Problems in region after fall of USSR
  9. Expansion of NATO countries and European Union

  1. Collapse of relations between USSR and China
  2. Mao's "reforms"
  3. Chinese Cultural Revolution
  4. Tianamen Square protest
  5. Growth of Chinese economy
  6. Growth of Asian economy (Japan, South Korea, etc)

  1. Operation Desert Storm
  2. Sept 11 attacks
  3. War on terror
  4. War in Afghanistan