Monday, April 29, 2013

Post WW2 Decolonization Study Guide

You need to know the following for your test WEDNESDAY
  1. Much of the Middle East and North Africa were part of what empire before the end of WW1?
  2. India was controlled by ____________ before 1948
  3. How was India divided when Independence was granted? Why?
  4. Why did the US want to keep the Philippines?
  5. Whom did the US support in the Iran/Iraq War of the 1980's?
  6. Why did the USSR invade Afghanistan in 1979?
  7. How did the US and USSR fight the "Cold War" in Afghanistan?
  8. Explain Iran before the revolution in 1979.  Who was in charge? etc.
  9. What was the Suez Crisis?
  10. Whe created the state of Israel in 1947?
  11. How was Israel divided when it was created?
  12. How did Israel gain land?  What land did they gain?
  13. Explain the involvement of the US in Nicaragua in the early 1900's
  14. What were the Camp David Accords and who was involved?
  15. How did post WW2 decolonization reflect the Cold War?