Monday, January 9, 2012


Cold War Projects

• Europe at the end of the war

• The Potsdam Settlement

• Eastern Europe in Soviet hands

• Politics in the Soviet Union

• Truman doctrine

• Marshall Plan

• Domino Theory

• The UN and Cold War Alliances

• NATO and Warsaw pact

• Chinese Revolution

• Korean War

• Vietnam War

• Sino-Soviet competition

• Nuclear proliferation

• Cuban Missile Crisis

• Bay of Pigs

• Communism in the Americas

• Economic and social unrest

• Protests

• Civil Rights

• Kent State

This is a pretty open ended assignment. Your job will be to teach the class about these topics. I will get the library whenever possible but you will have to work some on your own. So I would divide up responsibilities and topics so you can get finished. Your group should be no larger than 4 people. Here are some requirements.

1. Cover all topics listed in the box under your name. You can add anything you feel necessary. Keep in mind we are talking post war-1960’s

2. You need a power point that covers all information

3. Find at least one primary source document for each of the points above to put in the power point.

4. Add extra primary documents and use those for info

5. Find pictures or clips of footage.

6. Write 10 multiple choice questions and hand to me separate.

7. This will be worth a test grade and an essay grade for the presentation.