Sunday, March 30, 2014

APWH in between the World Wars

Friday you used the book to outline your section. Today turn it into a presentation on your phone. 
Use: Notes, PowerPoint, Pages, prezi etc. 

What to have:
Add pictures, maps, propaganda etc. 

Refine what you got out of the book into short points of important information 

Make sure to include important terms/people

Two things to explain: 1. How did WWI/Treaty of Versialles lead to this? 2. What effect do you think this will have leading into WWII?

Email to

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chapter 35 FDR, Shadow of War

London Economic Conference
Philippine independence
USSR/Soviet Union
Good Neighbor policy
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act 34
Rome-Berlin Axis
Japan and Washington Naval treaty 
Debt Default Act